Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing Past Retreats

Fulfilling your Human Potential in the Age of Aquarius

14-19 July 2024 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing Summer retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

The Seven Steps to Happiness

08-11 February 2024 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

Love and Self Compassion Retreat

12-15 October 2023 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

Autumn Vitality - Clearing the Subconscious for a healthy body and mind.

18-23 July 2023 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

The 8 Human Gifts for Balance and Serenity - a transformational Journey through the Chakras

March 2023 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

Release Fear and Anxiety to Self Realise

July 2022 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

Fulfilling your Human Potential - A journey through the 5 Sutras

February 2022 Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

Restoring Love and Self Compassion

July 2021: Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing retreat - Ardennes, Belgium

A Transformational Journey through the Chakras

Massage Therapy & Aromatherapy


Radhadesh, 6 rue petite somme, Septon, 6940

Radhadesh is near the small medieval town of Durbuy. It is the perfect location in the heart of the Ardennes to relax and find yourself in peaceful nature. The community is dedicated to the spiritual practice of yoga and welcomes you to have your own experience as well as nurture your Soul.


The closest railway station is Barvaux (10 minutes by car) or Marloie (20 minutes). Trains run every hour from Brussels to Marloie and there are connecting trains to Barvaux.

Pick up from the station is possible when organized 3 days in advance. Information about this will be communicated in advance.

Chakras are centers of consciousness. They are focal points of energy that have a profound effect on our daily lives. The particular chakra where the majority of your kundalini energy is primarily focused – or polarized – influences your basic behaviour and attitudes.

This relationship between behaviour and your dominant chakra is key because energy acts like a magnet. We tend to attract vibrations to ourselves that are on the same wavelength as the chakras from which we are operating. Kundalini Yoga allows the kundalini energy to rise, balancing and coordinating all of the chakras.

Kundalini Yoga does not force the kundalini to rise; it prepares the body to allow it to rise so that you can experience your higher consciousness. When this balancing of the chakras occurs, you become empowered; you are able to be a compassionate, conscious, and capable human being.


At this Kundalini Yoga Retreat you will experience and transform yourself through the eight major chakras.


Transformational Journey through the Chakras

Setting the Foundation - The Lower Triangle 

 The retreat of 16-18 July will set the foundations and address our instinctive survival requirements for security. This base will pave the gateway to the heart chakra where fear and insecurity can be transformed into compassion.

« Understand with Compassion or you will Misunderstand the times » 4th Sutra of the Aquarian Age


Awakening Intuition and Consciousness - The Upper triangle

The retreat of 19-21 July will balance and stimulate the higher energy centres allowing the kundalini energy to freely circulate and waken up our intuition and creative consciousness leading to a state of bliss that one can experience in deep meditation and when there is no duality.


Elevation and Liberation - Lower and Upper Triangles 

For those who are able to go through the complete Journey from Friday 19 to Wednesday 21 July, ideally, stay for the full 6 days. Or you can choose either option as they are stand alone modules which can be combined. 


 This retreat is more than yoga in a pleasant setting. My objective for this retreat is to offer you the environment, the experience and the tools to support the body, mind and soul on a transformative uplifting journey of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing, BreathWalking along with a balanced diet.


On this retreat you will:

  • Learn and experience first hand a yogic lifestyle according to traditional teachings of Kundalini Yoga. 
  • Release subconscious thoughts/patterns and attitudes through Aquarian Sadhana in the ambrosial hours (that means early starts). 
  • Experience and live in silence to deepen intuitive connection. 
  • Uplift through transformative Kundalini yoga and meditation. 
  • Be guided on BreathWalk, a walking technique for building vitality through rhythmic walking and meditation. 
  • Optimize your vibration through Sound Healing with Gong and Naad - the power of mantra chanting. 
  • Fill up on Prana through being in nature and the forest. 
  • Be inspired by the Spiritual Community, their Castle and their Permaculture gardens.
  • Eat consciously nourishing meals.
  • Digital Detox - there is very little coverage and you can choose to lock up your phone for the duration.
  • Detox Body and Mind.

More about the Retreats

There are opportunities for some private massage therapies during our spare time.

An aromatherapy workshop will also be organised for those who are interested.

More information is provided upon arrival.